Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meditation - it helps really !

Our mind is like a chatter box. It buzzes all the time with thoughts which critically analyze, judge, argue, dissect minutely, add color by commenting....the race can beat marathon !
When disturbed by negative emotions it buzzes like a supersonic jet ! As a result the whole body also responds making the heart beats faster, more sweat is produced, butterflies flutter their wings in stomach and so on. The facial expression changes, some become red-faced clenching and grinding teeth.

Meditation helps in calming the mind. It reduces this troublesome chatter that occurs in out minds.
This makes the brain think in a better, healthy way to produce less harmful hormones / chemical substances thus minimizing stress.

When this troublesome chatter diminishes we will hear clearly God. We will then only know show what are His plans about us.
Then He will show us right and wrong.

Meditation opens the channels to understand God better !

This is my post today.

May God bless you all.....
Let us pray together.

See you, Bye !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.